Monday, August 1, 2011

Green Smoothie Feast – Day 1

*This post was written yesterday but due to a late night last night, I am posting it today. Hope you Enjoy!*

Day 1 came rather quickly. I prepped Saturday night so I felt ready just a little nervous for some reason. 
This morning started the day with 16 oz of this lovely smoothie before heading into work.

This antioxidant beauty contains: baby organic romaine, frozen organic blueberries, frozen bananas and fresh lime juice. Yes, I recycle. That's a Pace Salsa bottle :)
I worked today and Sundays are generally quiet so I felt confident I would be able to make it through the day without any overt temptations. I was at work for about five minutes when a well-meaning employee placed these on my desk:

Homemade donuts from one of the chefs. They smelled divine!  Don't worry; I declined.
I work in Food Service management and so my main challenge will be and has been avoiding those well-meaning intentions. Not only do I have to taste test food but my meals are free! That’s been a recipe for disaster. So, while I tend to keep my fitness and nutrition adventures to myself, I am going to share this journey with my co-workers so that they don’t tempt me. They’re a pretty respectful group of people so I’m not worried. I am prepared, however, for raised eyebrows!

Here’s the smoothie of the day. I made 40 ounces of this one for work. 

We have romaine, green apples, frozen bananas, fresh lime juice and frozen pineapples.
I wish my little cell phone cam could convey the vibrant colour! This was my first time blending a fresh apple. The blender handled it well and the smoothie was delicious!

Green smoothies aren't new to me but I have played it relatively safe with my creations. As far as greens go, I’ve only used spinach. One of my goals with this 10 day feast is to explore other greens. Romaine is considered a mild tasting green. Although I could clearly taste the flavor of the romaine, I really enjoyed both smoothies. I also want to try my hand at savory smoothies using tomato as the key ingredient. I figure the taste will be similar to V8 or Motts Clamato.

Tonight I am going to prepare a dish by Megan Elizabeth from Easy to Be Raw on Youtube. I purchased the figs and strawberries last week and I don’t want the figs to go to waste AND I’m not blending figs. I’m not ready for all of that!  

I felt the STRONG urge to indulge in. . . EVERYTHING at work today. I was texting my husband like crazy for support. I stayed the course but realized that I didn't bring enough of my smoothie stash to work. By the time I got home tonight, I was famished. I will work to adjust my quantities to ensure that I get enough nutrition throughout the entire day.

Are you trying anything new this week?

- Kareen, RD

UPDATE: Online searches revealed a couple of different recipes for green fig smoothies. I will be trying it out tonight!

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