Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Vegan Yum Yum Deliciousness

Finally, my newest recipe book is here! I ordered it about a week ago and I've been waiting impatiently. The book is based on the hugely successful blog of the same name: Vegan Yum Yum. Lauren Ulm (Lolo), the author, is not a chef nor is she a professional photographer but she is super-talented!

First, this is one of the most beautiful recipe books I have ever owned. I mean, really. The book is chalkful of beautiful photos and of course, yummy recipes. How do I know? Her website has been my go-to for over the past two years. Our 2008 Thanksgiving meal was based on Lolo's creations!

I'm super-excited to dive into her cookbook! 

So, the project to which I referred in this post is about to begin: Journey through Vegan YumYum!

Think of Julie and Julia. I'm going to cook my way through Vegan YumYum and share my adventures with you! There are 103 recipes including one chapter on drinks and one on sauces/dips/spreads over 278 beautiful, full colour pages. My goal is one recipe per week plus perhaps one of the drink recipes and as needed, the sauces. That's approximately 90 weeks of cooking! Many of the recipes have not been featured on the website and I'll gladly re-make the ones I've tried in the past! Yum!

So as not to violoate intellectual property and copyright laws, I won't post the recipes but I will describe ease of preparation and taste. And although my pictures will not be of the same calibur as Lolo's, I will post some pics of the process and of course, the final product. 

Let's get cooking!

- Kareen, RD

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