Sunday, February 21, 2010

Are you insane? Yes, yes, I am!

My hubby stayed true to his end of the deal! In September and October, I really, really, really wanted Insanity. He wisely pointed out that we already had two programs neither of which I had completed. I had to admit he was right to be prudent. Furthermore, I know we need to be fiscally responsible.

We struck a deal. I would complete a program and then Insanity would be mine! Well, I chose ChaLEAN Extreme and you know the rest of the story. On Valentine's Day, I received an insane surprise - Insanity!! I had completely forgotten about our deal. Truthfully so did my hubby - the timing just happened to be perfect :)

So, what's Insanity? It's a 60 day pure cardio program. The tag line? "Are you ready to dig deep?" It's been touted as "the hardest workout ever put on DVD." For more deets check out the link

Now the dilemma: P90X or Insanity?

I thought about trying both but I am working to reduce the duration of high intensity workouts to help control my IBS. High intensity activity releases stress hormones which, in turn, are an IBS trigger. I love to push myself so I can't make the switch to 100% low intensity activity so I'm going to modify my schedule instead. Since I just finished a weight-lifting program, I've decided to go forward with Insanity.

I'm super excited and scared all at once. Today marks Day 1 and it's the fit test. I'll post my starting numbers and weekly schedule tomorrow.

It's a change in plans but I'm still on the journey.

Decide. Commit. Succeed.

- Kareen, RD

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